Quick Read

A floor chart spanning the floor and walls

A (Small) Change in Emphasis: Moving from Observe to Orient in the OODA.

By Justin Katz | September 1, 2022 |

The Rhode Island Saga, Post 1 Somehow, I’d naively believed that my ridiculously busy summer would cool as the children returned to school and I overcame a few large projects.  New content from me on Anchor Rising has certainly been lacking, and I apologize for that, but more has simply not been possible. To recap:…

By Standard of AGW Scientists, Futile for the United States to Abate Its Modest Greenhouse Gases

By Monique Chartier | August 29, 2022 |

Did you know that the United States generates only 12.67% of human-made greenhouse gases (GHG), with the balance generated by all other countries? I sure didn’t, until I went looking for the figure. That’s not much talked about in the media, nor is the fact that at 94%, naturally generated greenhouse gases dwarf human’s contribution…

Racial conflict fist as a green light

Elorza’s reparations head fake is telling.

By Justin Katz | August 24, 2022 |

Although families and individuals who can show a direct link to harm by a specific government entity should, of course, have recourse, the idea that a city, state, or country should broadly atone for the sins of the people who used to live there is wrong-headed even in concept — more so in a churning,…

A Christian mug with colored pencils and an apple

The administration is raiding the homes of political opponents as well as Catholic schools (in a sense).

By Justin Katz | August 12, 2022 |

Maybe my brain is excessively wired to see connections and patterns, but the raid on President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home and the Biden administration’s efforts to bully Catholic schools into promoting radical sexual ideology seem very much connected. Rod Dreher gets us most of the way there, in an essay titled “Trump & Our Late Roman…

Help wanted sign

What’s up with gas demand?

By Justin Katz | August 10, 2022 |

The economic news is peculiar, lately.  Inflation is high, and the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) is shrinking.  Yet, government data shows a strong increase in payroll jobs in the most-recent month.  It’s difficult to know which side of that “yet” the following news supports, or whether it helps explain how all of the above…

Allan Fung and Kevin McCarthy in Jamestown 2022

RI Republicans must stop taking an apologetic stance.

By Justin Katz | August 9, 2022 |

As long as I’ve been paying attention to politics in Rhode Island, mainstream Republicans have given the impression that they are ashamed of their affiliation — that they just found the ruling Democrats to be so off-base and corrupt that they needed a different option, and the GOP was the only viable one.  This isn’t…

A woman dances around a fire

Just a little shift in perspective goes a long way on climate change fear.

By Justin Katz | August 5, 2022 |

An underappreciated risk laps at the legs of our advanced knowledge.  When people didn’t know why things were happening in the world around them or how to predict change, they just dealt with them.  They invested some energy in a relationship with gods in the hope of exerting some control on their environments, but mostly,…

Cooling towers at Brayton Point

Energy and the environment are not separate stories.

By Justin Katz | August 3, 2022 |

When discussing public policy, responsible politicians, journalists, and members of the public should never separate the issues of energy and the environment.  They are a single, nuanced, and extremely complicated issue.  Absent this imperative, Democrat Governor Dan McKee feels free to brag about his environmental policy thus … “Over last 16 months my administration has…

A man with a mirror mask

Don’t let our disrupted lives put our children in ideologues’ hands.

By Justin Katz | July 26, 2022 |

Stories like this, from WPRI’s Shannon Hegy, too easily slip under the radar without anybody’s pointing out what, specifically, is happening: [Cranston Park View Middle School] STEM Coordinator Caitlyn Blankenship tells 12 News she’s seen firsthand the evidence of key skills lost during the pandemic in middle schoolers, who are struggling to problem solve, work…

Democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse

Whitehouse wants a dictator in the White House.

By Justin Katz | July 22, 2022 |

Actually, it’s worse than that.  Rhode Island Democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse wants an American dictator who actively harms our country for the benefit of foreign countries that are mostly hostile to us.  Objectively, the malice or mania necessary for a privileged American to make such declarations as the Wall Street Journal describes is something of…