Under the Government’s Wing
Russ Roberts’ conversation with writer Johann Hari on a recent episode of EconTalk was interesting for a variety of reasons, not the least because it seems Hari’s work on anxiety and depression changed his own mind a bit. One might say he’s moved toward the conservative view of the world, at least on this question, and…
Glenn Reynolds shares a really good point from a friend of his: Remember: They’ll spend trillions on bills they haven’t read but want details on how you spent $600.
Hospitals, healthcare facilities and nursing homes around Rhode Island have been dutifully firing their valued, ESSENTIAL employees to comply with Rhode Island’s rigid edict that all healthcare workers must receive the COVID-19 vaccine or lose their license. Over ninety health care facilities, including Rhode Island Hospital, Miriam Hospital and dozens of nursing homes, were not…
A compliance order issued to Dr. Skoly on the basis of a Providence Journal report shows the state Department of Health looking to make an example of him.
A July episode of the Econtalk podcast is worth your time. University of Chicago Economist James Heckman (a Nobel Laureate) and host Russ Roberts discuss the former’s research on social mobility in Denmark, a country with frighteningly detailed data on all of its citizens. Here’s a key point worth teasing out, from Heckman (emphasis added): … Denmark…
The solution is not to lean into the welfare-state, but to lean toward the free market.
Liberty Rhode Island caught the RI House of Representatives bragging about softening its grip around the Ocean State’s economic neck. The example comes from the House’s Facebook page, which appears to be a partisan outlet to promote newspaper clippings that say nice things about House Democrats. The page quotes an article by Ryan Blessing in The…
No doubt many smart progressives would spot Democrat Mayor of Providence Jorge Elorza’s error in thinking, but this statement, as quoted on GoLocalProv, perfectly summarizes the progressive approach to policy: “If there’s one thing that causes poverty, it’s the lack of money,” said Elorza of the program that is currently funded through private donations —…
RI Lieutenant Governor Sabina Matos took to the pages of the Boston Globe to herald the state’s Census-count success as a model for the provision of services, but progressives like her are redefining the relationship of the people with their government.