Rain or shine, everything is a warning of the apocalypse.

By Justin Katz | September 26, 2023 |
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A water drop and ripples

Among the many reasons for growing distrust of mainstream journalism is its apparently incessant need to make everything an indication of impending doom. (This is true, at least, when mass hysteria is seen to serve Democrats, as with the climate. On matters that point in the other political direction, like illegal immigration and the economy, only good news, if it can be found, squeezes through the guard.)

So, we get articles like Alex Kuffner’s in the Providence Journal, confirming that, “Yes, downpours are getting heavier, and more frequent in RI.”  The article purports to supply the numbers to substantiate this claim, although the cited source does not appear to make them readily available to the public.  One gets the sense, anyway, that the reader is meant simply to acknowledge that numbers are given and accept that they support the claim being stated on their basis without giving them much thought.  Consider this paragraph from Kuffner:

Since 1905, the average number of days per year in the Providence area with more than 1 inch of rain has increased from eight to 14, according to the Northeast Regional Climate Center at Cornell University. Last year, there were 12 such days. This year, there have been 10 so far.

If the average (over some unspecified time period) is 14 and last year saw 12, it may be that the curve is headed down.  In any event, water is life, and if we can get our acts together, surely we can benefit from this flow of life rather than cowering from it.

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Reality Pulls the Plug on Even a Modest EV Fleet Target

By Monique Chartier | September 25, 2023 |
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An electric car charging

Excellent work by Jim Hummel of the Hummel Report with this investigative report, published on the front page of yesterday’s Providence Journal, pertaining to a state mandate that 25% of its vehicles be electric; i.e., zero emission.

The goal was to make one quarter of the state’s light duty vehicle fleet EV’s by 2025.  So already excluded from that calculation is all of the state’s medium and heavy duty vehicles – plow trucks, dump trucks, etc. Seems like a reasonable, even modest, goal.

Apparently not. From Hummel’s investigative report:

The state has struggled to reach zero-emission goals for its own fleet of vehicles, as cost, supply and unwillingness by some departments to purchase all-electric and hybrid vehicles have left Rhode Island significantly short of hitting its initial target.


McKee quietly issued a new executive order in May giving the state five more years to reach the 25% goal, although the administration insists it wasn’t moving the goalposts

Interesting.  So it turns out that it isn’t just the private sector who finds electric cars costly and impractical.  In fact, it came to light a couple of weeks ago that even US Energy Secretary Granholm couldn’t make one work for a summer road trip without a staffer in a fossil fuel vehicle acting as an advance team at the next charging station(s).

No criticism of McKee here.  The initiative that mandated the state’s fleet be 25% EV, called “Lead by Example” (gosh, its name is sure turning out to be inadvertently prescient), is not Governor McKee’s but his predecessor’s, Governor Gina Raimondo, via an Executive Order that she signed in 2015.

The push from certain isolated quarters to change from fossil fueled to electric vehicles is a huge proposition and one that is fraught with … um, challenges, to put it mildly.  As we are seeing in real time, you cannot ignore the reality of those challenges and make it happen by rigid, blind order – even a modest one.

In pushing the goal back, Governor McKee simply took action that is grounded in reality; in stark contrast with the basis of Governor Raimondo’s 2015 Executive Order.

The fact that a state government, with all of its power and resources, could not achieve even a 25% change-over to electric vehicles in a ten year timeframe speaks volumes about the practicality of the proposal.

Rhode Island via the Department of Environmental Management will soon hold hearings on new “clean air” regulations, Advanced Clean Cars II (ACCII) and Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT), that would effectively phase out the sale of all new fossil fuel cars and 75% of fossil fuel trucks in Rhode Island by 2035.

Nowhere in the draft regulation does it guarantee that manufacturers will have adequate inventory to supply the state.  Nowhere in the draft regulation does it explain how Rhode Islander consumers and businesses will be able to pay for an EV, notoriously more expensive than fossil fueled ones.

In short, the draft ACCII and ACT regulation has no more grounding in reality than Governor Raimondo’s 2015 “Lead by Example”.

The infrastructure, production and affordability of electric vehicles is nowhere close to real world applicability.  Issuance of another government mandate based in fantasy is not going to bring that about, as we are seeing play out in real time with the prior governor’s Executive Order.

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RI institutional Democrat support creates personal danger.

By Justin Katz | September 25, 2023 |
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A water drop and ripples

Two implications of this recent tweet from Nicole Solas illustrate the danger that begins to fester when the institutions of a state become wholly partisan.

Nicoletta0602: Update: the court granted me a temporary restraining order against this scumbag that threatened me.

He assaulted Rhode Island Senator Gordon Rogers with his truck last Spring and is on probation for that. 

Not exactly keeping the peace while threatening women online.

The first implication is that it will be very surprising if the attorney general or anybody else in Rhode Island law enforcement turns up the heat on a Democrat threatening a blacklisted conservative.

The second is, if anything, more disturbing.  As somebody on the upper end of paying attention to happenings in Rhode Island, I’m surprised that I didn’t know about an assault on a sitting state senator that resulted in a probation.  Searches on both Google and Bing produce zero results and, in fact, point instead to the incident in which Rogers knocked out an intruder in his home.

We’re not getting the news, in Rhode Island, and we therefore cannot be said to be making informed decisions during elections.  Deepening the peculiarity is that controversies should be of interest to our fading news media.  It’s like they’d rather destroy their business model then question the Party.

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Politics This Week: Land of No Chance for Improvement

By Justin Katz | September 25, 2023 |
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A sunken boat surrounded by sharks

On WNRI 1380 AM/95.1 FM, John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss:

  • Providence schools continue to fail and nobody asks the right questions
  • Magaziner jumps right into the partisan spokesman role
  • Leonard lets the election pass him by (without a base)
  • Illegal immigration simmers at the edge of mainstream awareness
  • Curious incuriosity in the media about mail ballots


Featured image by Justin Katz using Firefly.

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Categorizing products and services experiencing higher inflation is enlightening.

By Justin Katz | September 25, 2023 |
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A water drop and ripples

Rhode Island investment expert Michael Riley tweeted a chart recently that rewards closer analysis:

ri929shrugs: People have zero chance to retire anymore. We may as well have our civil war now. Socialists vs capitalists.

Notice a common theme dividing everything above and below “food and beverage”?  Actually, everything from “housing” up is heavily subsidized, in one way or another, by government, while everything below is not.  Basic economics should lead us to expect that subsidizing things increases the price.

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Think of it as a great opportunity for lower-income Americans to charitably step aside.

By Justin Katz | September 20, 2023 |
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A water drop and ripples

I know of at least one Massachusetts town where these new residents are about to enter an understaffed school system en masse.  Even more, they are getting free preschool and free transportation to preschool, which for residents is an additional cost that some are deciding is too expensive.

NBC10: North Attleborough, a town of roughly 30,000 people, is the newest place in Massachusetts to host migrant families. They started arriving on Friday.

We need to understand — and explain to our neighbors as they begin to wonder what’s going on — that Northeastern governments (led by Democrats) don’t think they need us, and they therefor do not represent us. They want to import clients for their services for which they can then seek to bill other people.

This scheme may have worked for a very small number of cities (like Lawrence, MA), but when whole states are scrounging around for people to pay for the services to which officials have committed, people will begin to say “no” in one way or another.

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I don’t think “independent” means what Magaziner thinks it means.

By Justin Katz | September 20, 2023 |
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A water drop and ripples

Doublespeak such as that used by Democrat Congressman Seth Magaziner in the following tweet has become so common that we hardly notice it.  He (or a staffer who wrote the post) may not even realize the problem with the word choice (which would make it doublethink, I suppose):

Rep_Magaziner: Today, my colleagues in RI’s congressional delegation & I joined the Rhode Island Broadcasters Association to discuss how we can support local journalism.

Strong, independent local journalism not only keeps people informed, it’s crucial to ensuring a healthy + vibrant democracy.

If government supports journalism, it is by definition not independent.  That word, “independent,” may still have a salutary ring in Americans’ ears, but one suspects what Rhode Island’s all-Democrat delegation actually wants is a local media that handles them favorably, or at least carefully, because they are its benefactors.

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RI pediatricians shouldn’t care more about indoctrination than children.

By Justin Katz | September 19, 2023 |
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A water drop and ripples

As is increasingly required, Nicole Solas has gone outside of Rhode Island to bring attention to a problem within the state, writing in Daily Caller:

I pay my pediatrician for check-ups and throat cultures, not ideological finger-wagging about sex education in kindergarten. But at that moment I realized that gender ideology in medicine and education was not about the health and safety of children. It is about people abusing their positions of power to tell parents how to raise their children. It is about authoritarianism.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island offers “safe zone training” for healthcare providers, and these stickers identify compliant providers. Critics argue these stickers are mere reassurances of “inclusion,” but my former pediatrician told me the stickers are meant to start conversations with children about gender ideology.

This is straightforward ideological capture of crucial service institutions.  Cult-like ideologues take over key corporate departments, government agencies, and independent associations and push their beliefs down to practitioners.

Nobody should doubt that progressives, even quite mainstream and “moderate” ones, will talk themselves into believing the suffering, and even death, of some children is justified in the service of “inclusion,” which has rapidly come to mean “exclusion of noncompliant people.”

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Politics This Week: Looters in and out of Government

By Justin Katz | September 18, 2023 |
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The Independent Man facepalms

On WNRI 1380 AM/95.1 FM, John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss:

  • Much ado about the Independent Man
  • What’s the plan for Matos?
  • The quiet general election for CD1
  • Park Theater socialism
  • Rights for the Left but not for thee
  • Media blacklisting of Solas
  • Looters after the flood
  • Neronha speculation


Featured image by Justin Katz using Dall-E 2.

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RI Policy on Transgender Students: Ed Commissioner, RIDE, Governor Mum So Far

By Monique Chartier | September 18, 2023 |
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Current Rhode Island public school policy on transgender and gender nonconforming students was formally passed as a regulation in April 2018 by the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education and then-Education Commissioner Ken Wagner under the authority of the governor.

Anchor Rising made the following inquiry by e-mail last month of the Rhode Island Council on Elementary and Secondary Education, current Education Commissioner Angelica Infante-Green and Governor Dan McKee through his Press Secretary.

Current RIDE policy permits schools to discuss transgender procedures with students. RIDE policy also permits schools to refrain from notifying the parents of students at the secondary level who may be considering or are undergoing gender transition.  My question: is RIDE considering changes to these policies given the increasing publicity around “detransitioners”?

No response has been received, though staff members of all three offices politely indicated in follow up calls they would pass along the inquiry.

The effects of transitioning – sterility and non-functional organs – are significant and permanent as the thousands of transgender individuals who detransitioned (the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey alone documents 2,242 individuals who have done so; how many since?) have learned.  And the stories of an increasing number of detransitioners have been in the news recently.

Rhode Island’s transgender policy on underage students, accordingly, is consequential and carries potential long-term implications for at least some of the students in our elementary and secondary schools.  For this reason, Anchor Rising will make follow up inquiries of the above officials.

[Featured image by Kenny Eliason via Unsplash]

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