Allow me to translate the “river to the sea” slogan for progressives.

By Justin Katz | October 21, 2023 |
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A water drop and ripples

When you chant “Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea,” what those within Israel or externally supportive of the country hear is similar to what you would hear if a large group of conservatives marched in the street chanting: “White people will be free, from Bar Harbor to San D.”

You would infer an insinuation that “freedom” in this context means expulsion of the Other and that this prohibition must span from one border of a region (i.e., the United States) to the other.  And you’d be correct to object to a group’s shouting chants that ignore the reality of representative democracy and the rule of law.

I suspect many progressives’ thought process is that Hamas’s recent atrocities were horrific, but the solution is to allow Palestinians, more broadly than Hamas, their area of autonomy.  I’d be surprised if most don’t think “the river to the sea” means the borders of Gaza.  Alternately, they may be using the apartheid framing, imagining that non-Jews are oppressed in Israel, in which case “freedom” means their enfranchisement throughout the country.

They should learn that those responses are not captured by the “river to the sea slogan.”  Rather, the people chanting it are responding to the terroristic slaughter of Jews in Israel by endorsing their expungement from the region, which the rest of us understand as genocide, indeed.

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We can observe a six-step process for capturing the political imaginations of the youth.

By Justin Katz | October 19, 2023 |
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A water drop and ripples

Step 1: Construct a simplistic narrative with obvious good guys and bad guys and a conclusion with which nobody reasonable could disagree.

Step 2: Ensure that the “bad guys” can’t actually harm the people protesting.

Step 3: Provide singsong, rhythmic slogans that sound innocuous, but that the intended opposition will understand as threatening.

Step 4: Cultivate a supportive environment with quick dopamine rewards for easy actions and peer reinforcement.

Step 5: Guarantee no (or nominal) consequences for ostensibly rebellious behavior.

Step 6: Repeat to the point of violence or absolute control.

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Here’s a logical ruler for assessing the likelihood between Hamas and Israel when it comes to the hospital bombing.

By Justin Katz | October 18, 2023 |
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A water drop and ripples

Hamas executed a brutal sneak attack with no declaration of war against innocent people in their homes and at a music festival.  The big complaint against Israel’s response, recently, has been that one day was not enough warning for people to evacuate an area they were planning to attack after a declaration of war.

Which of those seems more likely to blow up a hospital or the vehicles of those attempting to evacuate and blame it on the enemy?

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Miserable RICAS scores won’t mean any response from Rhode Island.

By Justin Katz | October 18, 2023 |
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A water drop and ripples

Dan McGowan notes that new standardized test scores are out for Rhode Island public schools, and they’re not good.

DanMcGowan: NEW from 
: RICAS results are out. 33 percent of students in grades 3-8 are proficient in English and 30 percent are proficient in math.

Elsewhere, he finds a silver lining in the fact that English-language learners do better at English and are nearly caught up in math, but it seems like an indication of how poorly the schools are doing that native English speakers can’t keep up with those who are new to the language. In both subjects, in fact, we should question whether it’s a success that numbers are so low even those with language challenges are able to match them.

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Politics This Week: Warning Signs of a Cultural Monster

By Justin Katz | October 16, 2023 |
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A monster with many eyes eats a college professor

On WNRI 1380 AM/95.1 FM, John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss:

  • Hints (but not much more) of surprise at the monster progressives have created
  • The media’s inability to find a difference between Leonard and Amo on Israel
  • The sense that progressives are fine with Hamas-style decolonization (in Israel and maybe here)
  • A podcaster activist
  • Unhinged prices for political appointees
  • Polisena’s familiar McKee retort


Featured image by Justin Katz using Dall-E 3, with inspiration from a frighteningly relevant 2001 short story.

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This is too little too late from the likes of Jha.

By Justin Katz | October 16, 2023 |
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A water drop and ripples

Nonetheless, it’s worth noting this mild corrective from Brown University’s Dr. Ashish Jha on Newsmakers, as summarized in a recent “Nesi’s Notes” column:

“I think we all in public health could have done a better job of communicating with more humility about what we knew and didn’t know. There was a desire by some people to act more certain than they were.” But he also thinks major damage was done by the decision to effectively impose a nationwide lockdown in the spring of 2020, which he blames in large part on a lack of visibility caused by the botched rollout of testing. “The virus was in big numbers here in Rhode Island, Boston, New York, Washington, D.C.,” he recalled. “There was almost none in Mississippi, almost none in Montana. And because we did not know that, we had to do a nationwide lockdown. And people in Mississippi rightly said, ‘Wait, you’re doing all these public health measures — our hospitals are empty, I don’t know anybody who’s got COVID, no one’s getting sick, this makes no sense.’ And that very blunt response actually I think was the basis for a lot of people losing faith in the public-health response.”

Notice two major omissions, though.  The first is from Jha, who doesn’t elaborate on how the overreactors will be held accountable.  As always, the experts get an unlimited “oops” card.

The corresponding second omission is from Nesi and the rest of the media.  Some folks had it right at the time.  A healthy media system would be rewarding them for that, now.

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Education is the place to start trying to fix what’s wrong in RI and America.

By Justin Katz | October 13, 2023 |
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A water drop and ripples

As people newly look up from their lives to wonder about the craziness with which we’re surrounded — from collegiate support for Hamas to economic ignorance to scientific illiteracy to an inability to grapple with logic — they should turn their gaze toward our schools. Consider this recent Boston Globe column from Dan McGowan:

The state’s most recent report card shows that 81 percent of students [at Providence’s Mount Pleasant High School] were chronically absent during the 2021-2022 school year, zero percent of students were considered proficient in math, and the four-year graduation rate was 67 percent.

But here’s the worst part: McGowan puts those numbers forward to support one side over the other in a dispute over school building construction.  In other words, the discussion is miles and miles away from where it ought to be, which is the use of our education to provide a jobs program for labor unions and indoctrinate into progressive causes.

The building won’t matter until that’s fixed, and it’s not even a topic of conversation.

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Politics This Week: Evidence for Political and Electoral Trends

By Justin Katz | October 12, 2023 |
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Old-time detective inspects a vote drop-box

On WNRI 1380 AM/95.1 FM, John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss:

  • Gabe Amo undermines the purpose of debates
  • Matt Gaetz takes Congress in a Rhode Islandish direction
  • Cranston’s council election results offer a red flag for the future
  • Magaziner’s support for “Eat the Rich”
  • Middle East atrocities and progressive revelations

Featured image by Justin Katz using Firefly.

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The impulse to invert the report of 40 babies with their heads cut off story is shocking.

By Justin Katz | October 11, 2023 |
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A water drop and ripples

True enough that it’s important to be skeptical of all reports, particularly the most horrific, at a time like this, but still… there is an air around some of those insisting that the story is not yet verified that implies if this story isn’t true, the whole atrocity is not that bad.  Psychologically, they seem to hope for excessive accusations so that they can discount anything below that mark as within tolerable bounds of unspeakable horror.

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If strange or silent responses from progressives about Hamas’s atrocities seem odd…

By Justin Katz | October 10, 2023 |
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A water drop and ripples

… the explanation might be more than silent discomfort with a faction of their tribe’s doing something nakedly evil.  To progressives, this sort of thing must happen and is expected.  Maybe they find it lamentable (or maybe not), but they see it as inevitable on the path to their vision of justice.

Tom Holland argues, in his excellent history of Christianity, Dominion, that the Woke represent a distorted offshoot of the faith.  Just so, through their Marxist perversion, they carry forward the expectation for which Jesus prepared his followers:  “when you hear of wars and revolts, do not be alarmed; for these things must take place first.”

This is the deeper truth of their hypocritical responses to current events.  The revolution is everything, and they’ll respond the same when it comes for you.  The real question is whether enough people’s eyes are opened before it’s too late, and I’m not seeing it, even now.  So, the progressives will go about their lives… and wait.

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