
Cash, cuffs, and the American flag

The federal government is sowing the seeds of our division.

By Justin Katz | December 21, 2022 |

I’m midway through reading a book about the psychology of changing your mind, and the author apparently sees understanding the subject as an important tool in overcoming our polarization.  I’ll have much more to say about the book, no doubt, not least to suggest that increasingly subtle psychological manipulation may be causing the polarization.  After all,…

A water drop and ripples

Imagine if real journalists were doing journalism…

By Justin Katz | December 21, 2022 |

From the other side of the election, with the Hunter Biden laptop known to be real, the J6 commission calling for criminal prosecutions, COVID-related decisions coming under renewed scrutiny, and Elon Musk providing revelations about what really went on inside Twitter to support the Democrat Party, it’s worth revisiting J. Peder Zane’s fictional account of…

A water drop and ripples

There’s only one reason to ban bulletproof vests for citizens…

By Justin Katz | December 20, 2022 |

… as New York has done.  It’s to make civilians more vulnerable.  Supporters framed their intention as making bad people more vulnerable to the police, as during mass shootings, but the ban doesn’t apply only to bad actors. As simple common sense, policies designed to make people more vulnerable ought to be approached with suspicion. …

Vilhelm Pedersen illustration of Hans Christian Anderson's The Emperor's New Clothes

Are you represented in the Rhode Island House?

By Justin Katz | December 20, 2022 |

Although the core political story in Rhode Island is inevitably Democrat, this isn’t a partisan post.  The one detail I recall from Amity Shlaes’s book, Coolidge, that detracted from the 30th President’s story was an anecdote from when he was the Republican president of the Massachusetts Senate.  A lobbyist persuaded him to go one way on…

A water drop and ripples

They’re preemptively trying to sell this as evidence of global warming…

By Justin Katz | December 20, 2022 |

… but keep an eye out for claims of increased flooding that could be caused by a wobbling moon (which, if it needs to be said, is in no way related to carbon emissions): Beware, coastal communities. The U.S. is set to face a surge in high-tide floods along its coasts due to a “wobble”…

A water drop and ripples

When the mainstream thinks they’re counterculturalists…

By Justin Katz | December 19, 2022 |

This tweet from local left-wing writer Phil Eil, quoting WPRO journalist Steve Klamkin, is some months old, but it’s still worth a head-shaking ponder: Is it possible that progressives don’t recognize that their co-ideologues are the ones forbidding a counterculture from forming because they’re in power and don’t want alternative views to be heard?  Is…

A water drop and ripples

Is education the solution to abortion?

By Justin Katz | December 19, 2022 |

Clearing out some links from the past year, I came across this abortion-related interview with URI student Antonia Simmons by The Public Radio’s Lynn Arditi.  This part makes me wonder if maybe all that’s needed is more education about biology: I am a 20 year old woman and I deserve the right to make my…

A house made of money

Ninety Million “Super” Contradictions to RI Officials’ Statements about Homelessness

By Monique Chartier | December 18, 2022 |

Addressing homelessness requires tracing the economic causes to their roots, including (for example) money provided to politically connected projects like the Superman Building rehab.

A chart of RI students by school type compared with comparable other states.

Elorza is right to avoid Providence schools for his son.

By Justin Katz | December 17, 2022 |

A peculiar aspect of the mental abuse promulgated by progressives in Rhode Island (and the labor union activists who control them and the state) is the predicament in which they forbid honest discussion about issues like school reform, thus condemning students to substandard education, while casting aspersions at those who seek better for their own…

Jose Clemente Orozco, The Clowns of War Arguing in Hell

“Stamping Out Hate” is not the way to address bigotry, including anti-Semitism.

By Justin Katz | December 9, 2022 |

People of Jewish heritage (as distinct from the “alliances” that claim to represent them) would arguably be better off if antisemites felt more comfortable expressing their views.