… if you see people citing the strange flash flooding in the Providence area and Rt. 95 as evidence of “climate change,” ask them whether the blame mightn’t more reasonably land on government officials’ poor management of the infrastructure under their authority.
[Open full post]The Rhode Island Saga, Post 2
When people begin thinking in a deliberate way about how to turn their ideas, capital, and effort into businesses (which they sometimes get around to years after they’ve started operations), I put the process in terms of a story.
The hero of the story is, obviously, the person or group of people who are beginning the business. This is not only because they are the clients with whom I’ve contracted, but also because the real hero is the underlying idea, and they are its human incarnation.
So, when I suggest that Rhode Island needs a hero, I don’t mean a political savior. That sort of thinking has helped to bring our state and the establishment’s political opposition to their current, undesirable positions. The way to start is with the idea or concept of the hero. What does the idea that would save Rhode Island look like?
If a person or group emerges to personify the ideal, great, but political reform, like product marketing, requires a positive something to sell. It isn’t enough to describe the villain. If all the story has is a villain, people stuck in the plot will have no choice but to endure or to flee. This condition describes Rhode Island as I’ve been experiencing it since I began paying attention a quarter century ago.
Mind you, the idea doesn’t have to be fully identified or developed, just yet. That will be a product of the process we’ll be going through on Anchor Rising (and beyond) as we move forward.
Picture the country boy and girl who live in the cottage shown in the featured image of this post. Let’s imagine them as biological siblings both adopted by the same kindly and hard-working couple on the outskirts of the kingdom. Somehow, deep in their very being, they know that life can be better — more magical — than their experiences suggest. Similarly, their parents — indeed, their entire village — can sense that something is special about these children.
Before we can set the story into motion, this is what we must define. What qualities set our heroes apart? What sorts of things do they do differently, even if only a little bit… a hint of something different or more?
Featured image from Shutterstock.
[Open full post]The Rhode Island Saga, Post 1
Somehow, I’d naively believed that my ridiculously busy summer would cool as the children returned to school and I overcame a few large projects. New content from me on Anchor Rising has certainly been lacking, and I apologize for that, but more has simply not been possible.
To recap: After my time with the RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity ended in April 2021, I took stock of my position and opportunities, deciding to take what felt kind of like a last chance to pursue an advanced degree as something other than a leisure-time activity and set up shop as an independent contractor. Now, in September 2022, I’m beginning my third semester on the way to a Master of Business Administration (MBA), and my contractor efforts have turned into a full-blown business consultancy.
I’ll have more on that as I make everything official; my purpose, here, is to explain my relative absence, as well as to put a first toe on a slightly divergent path for Anchor Rising.
Given my recent activities, I’ve been making a deliberate effort to systematize my understanding of how businesses function — especially how they function within markets, address external threats and internal challenges, and exchange value with their customers. These concepts translate easily to non-profit organizations, but they are also relevant to a struggling state.
The (small) change in emphasis I expect you’ll observe in my work around here is that I’ll be more deliberate about a priority that has always been implied. After all, the website’s name is about rising — getting the Ocean State out of the whirlpool that was already circling when we started nearly 20 years ago. As I’ve learned about policy and politics, I think my tone has shifted away from complaining and toward explaining what, exactly, it has been about the status quo that has been harming Rhode Islanders.
These days, I’ve got the experience and the tools to emphasize what we can do about it… economically, socially, politically, informationally, strategically, organizationally, and so on.
Podcaster James Lindsay often reminds his listeners that American education has not become Marxist as much in the sense of teaching from a Marxist perspective (though it does that) as in the sense of teaching through the use of Marxist practice. The activists’ doing education in a Marxist way is much more damaging than their doing education to convey Marxist ideas.
Perhaps the restorative response should be similar, and I propose to give it a shot. We’ve gone over and over everything that’s wrong with how Rhode Island operates while one conservative reform politician or group after another has stepped into the accelerating buzzsaws of the state’s corruption, partisanship, and mindless progressivism.
After all these years, if you and I are still here, it’s for a reason. So let’s acknowledge the marketplace we’re actually in and orient to that. The greater part of the time life leaves me between other things will be spent exploring how that can be done, and I hope you’ll be active in the conversation.
Featured image by Hanna Morris on Unsplash.
[Open full post]On WNRI 1380 AM/95.1 FM, John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss:
- Nellie’s big advertising error
- Fung on TV
- Hopelessness in Providence politics
- Strange celebration of general treasurer candidates
Featured image from Shutterstock.
[Open full post]Did you know that the United States generates only 12.67% of human-made greenhouse gases (GHG), with the balance generated by all other countries? I sure didn’t, until I went looking for the figure. That’s not much talked about in the media, nor is the fact that at 94%, naturally generated greenhouse gases dwarf human’s contribution of 6%. So of all greenhouse gases, natural and human-made, the United States generates less than 1% (.76% to be exact).
Now, AGW scientists and advocates quietly acknowledge that it would not be enough for the United States alone to abate its greenhouse gases in order to head off (hypothesized) catastrophic global warming; not even if we stop all our emissions. But they tell us that we must set a good example to the world so that everyone else will emulate us, give up fossil fuels and thereby prevent a global warming catastrophe.
But how likely are other countries to do so? Let’s review the list of emitters below. Setting aside feasibility for a moment, how many other countries on it are at least willing to stop using fossil fuels given the compelling example of the United States doing so? Canada. Probably most countries of the EU.
Important to note, though, that Europe and the UK are being rocked by Russia’s sharp reduction in its natural gas delivery. Accordingly, at least one country has notably taken steps back towards fossil fuels and all European countries dependent on Russian natural gas are looking at staggering prices spikes in their electricity. (Odd; why haven’t they simply cranked up their green energy production to make up for the generating capacity shortfall caused by the withdrawal of Russian gas?)
No other country, certainly none of the other three top-five emitters, China, India and Russia, is taking real steps to shut down on a broad scale their use of a widely-available, reliable fuel source. In fact, China, the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases, continues to ratchet up its use of coal.
We are told, often in the most urgent tone, that most if not all human greenhouse gases must cease if we are going to stop catastrophic global warming. And while there are models that claim global warming will slow if all or most human-made greenhouse gases cease, there are no models that claim a reduction of 12.67% (or even 21.71%, emissions of the US + EU + Canada) would have even a moderate impact on global warming.
In short, there is no point in the United States giving up one barrel of or one joule generated by fossil fuel because, by the standard set by AGW scientists and advocates themselves, elimination of 12.67% of human emissions wouldn’t get it done.
President Joe Biden, strongly abetted by the silence or outright approval of Congressional Democrats, has paralleled Russia’s fossil fuel strangulation of Europe here in the United States by artificially restricting domestic fossil fuel production. Some states have gone further and, remarkably, passed laws outlawing fossil fuels altogether down the road. Neither the state nor the federal officials who have taken these reckless steps have identified a feasible replacement fuel source. We have already been experiencing the corresponding spike in the price of fuel, food, goods, electricity, with a jump in heating costs on the near horizon.
Our leaders need to stop, take a breath, and be guided by the analysis of AGW scientists and advocates themselves about the (non)effectiveness of the United States reducing or eliminating its GHG. Europe’s acute electricity and looming home heating crisis as
The benchmark European gas price has soared 550% in the past 12 months
is showing us in real time the stark consequences of moving even further away from fossil fuels without a ready, reliable, reasonably priced alternative in place.
Breakdown by country of human-generated greenhouse gas emissions
(As of 2018. Excludes naturally-caused greenhouse gases.)
China 26.1%
US 12.67%
EU (27) 7.52%
India 7.08%
Russia 5.36%
Japan 2.5%
Brazil 2.19%
Indonesia 2.03%
Iran 1.74%
Canada 1.52%
“Others” = 31.29%
Source: World Resources Institute
[Amended 8/30/2022 by addition of second chart, above.]
[Open full post]Although families and individuals who can show a direct link to harm by a specific government entity should, of course, have recourse, the idea that a city, state, or country should broadly atone for the sins of the people who used to live there is wrong-headed even in concept — more so in a churning, dynamic country like the United States, which coheres through principle, not identity. When Democrat Providence Mayor Jorge Elorza pursued the subject of “reparations” for his city, therefore, it seemed politically cynical, at best, and deliberately divisive, at worst.
So, it is probably a good thing that the whole effort is exposed as a massive head-fake, now that he’s no longer running for office:
A new report suggests ways Providence, Rhode Island, can atone for its extensive ties to the transatlantic slave trade and centuries of racism and discrimination by, among other things, establishing home repair funds, launching financial literacy programs and boosting aid to Black and Indigenous organizations.
The report, issued Monday by the Providence Municipal Reparations Commission, notably doesn’t recommend giving out direct payments to Black and Native American residents, as some had called for.
If the idea is programs, rather than restitution for a specific harm done, then the recommendations only amplify the racist immorality at the heart of the effort. Under this definition, restitution involves compensating people for hardship they face presumably as a consequence of past injustice. At the same time, it means not helping disadvantaged people who can’t check a politically beneficial box on a list of grievances. The government would be helping people whose ancestors may have suffered for an identifiable reason by giving them advantages over their peers who may have gotten to their own challenging circumstances by a different historical route.
That is wrong on its face.
Perhaps recognizing this, the Providence Municipal Reparations Commission’s recommended beneficiaries are incredibly broad:
The report recommends limiting eligibility for reparations-related efforts to those with Indigenous heritage or ancestors originating from sub-Saharan Africa, residents of neighborhoods disproportionately impacted by the pandemic, and low income households earning less than 50% of the area median income.
So, the program would help anybody who is disadvantaged for income or (assumed) pandemic reasons and to give it the aura of a “reparations program,” it would also help people who are not disadvantaged (or not as disadvantaged) if they have a particular ethnic heritage. At what point will progressives have an “aha” moment that it simply won’t work to dabble in racism in the now to correct racism in the past?
Featured image by Maick Maciel on Unsplash.
[Open full post]On WNRI 1380 AM/95.1 FM, John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss:
- McKee’s convenient COVID
- WPRI’s latest political poll
- The governor’s race
- When the people can’t get their way with a soccer stadium
- The privilege of progressive “Doctor” Munoz
Featured image by Vladislav Babienko on Unsplash.
[Open full post]On WNRI 1380 AM/95.1 FM, John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss:
- The not-so-ground-breaking soccer stadium
- The implications of the Mar-a-Lago raid
- Checking in on the race for governor
- Diossa’s world tour
- The unspokens of Block Island Ferry violence
Featured image from Shutterstock.
[Open full post]Maybe my brain is excessively wired to see connections and patterns, but the raid on President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home and the Biden administration’s efforts to bully Catholic schools into promoting radical sexual ideology seem very much connected.
Rod Dreher gets us most of the way there, in an essay titled “Trump & Our Late Roman Moment” (emphasis in original):
This is a polity, not a graduate seminar in Kantian ethics. He’s right, you know. Y’all know that I am not a Trump fan, but in this case, I can’t separate the raid on his house from the rest of the rottenness of our ruling class. I am reminded of something I’ve repeated in this space a lot since I heard it last summer in Budapest. I was talking in a taxi with a younger voter who told me she planned to vote for Viktor Orban’s party in the spring election. I asked her why, and she spoke at length about how fed up she was with what she believed was Orban’s tolerance for financial corruption among his supporters. So why do you stick with Orban? I asked. She talked about culture — specifically, about gender ideology that the European Union was trying to push onto Hungarians, but which Orban was fighting tooth and nail. She put it something like this (I paraphrase): “All corruption is bad, but not all corruption is equally bad. Financial corruption is normal. The moral evil of gender ideology is on a totally different level. If we accept that spiritual and moral corruption, we are finished.”
For radicals, the moral evil (and the power that they think will accrue to them when it has spread sufficiently) is the point. Trump and his supporters are particularly loathsome to them not because they represent some sort of new norm-breaking trend (on any issue, one can find examples that radicals don’t care about norms). Rather they are a strong (if perhaps too late) assertion of the public against the radicals. They must, therefore, be proclaimed beyond the bounds of our public square.
Of course, that is another false boundary. Progressives don’t believe in a public square in the sense of a neutral ground on which we can debate and interact to the greatest extent possible. To them, there is only total victory. The public square is where they gather to tell everybody else how they must live. Like a religious cult, their imperative is to advance their ideology by any means available. When they’re out of power, they’re happy to leverage Western pluralism to keep society from stamping them out, but once they’re in power, they put on their own stamping shoes.
And so, progressives actively pursue policies that will directly hurt disadvantaged (often minority) children, because their cult is more important to them:
Catholic school leaders need to be aware that their schools could be cut off from the federal government’s free and subsidized lunch program if their policies don’t comply with the Biden administration’s revised rules against LGBTQ discrimination, experts warn.
Earlier this year the administration re-interpreted Title IX’s federal ban on sex discrimination to include “sexual orientation or gender identity.” Religious freedom and free speech advocates warn that the proposed rule change could be used to enforce mandates on hiring, bathrooms, using preferred pronouns, and dress codes.
The broadened definition now also applies to the National School Lunch Program, a federally funded meal assistance program administered by the Department of Agriculture that provides subsidized or free lunches to more than 30 million public and private school students from low-income households.
According to the article, the courts are already involved and beginning to affirm that our religious freedom still exists. Even if our totalitarian administration fails to get its way in this case, the attempt reinforces an important point directly in line with the norm-breaking raid of Mar-a-Lago: That power, to progressives, means telling other people to whom they must kneel.
For myself, I still believe in pluralism, which means the best defense is the only defense: being clear about reality, including the radicals’ machinations, and being strong in our principles, including a willingness to self-sacrifice.
Featured image from Shutterstock.
[Open full post]The economic news is peculiar, lately. Inflation is high, and the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) is shrinking. Yet, government data shows a strong increase in payroll jobs in the most-recent month. It’s difficult to know which side of that “yet” the following news supports, or whether it helps explain how all of the above can be true at the same time:
On Thursday, the national average price for a gallon of regular gasoline dropped eight cents to $4.13.
New data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) shows that gas demand dropped from 9.25 million barrels per day to 8.54 million per day last week.
That’s 1.24 million barrels per day lower than last year and “in line with demand at the end of July 2020,” when there were widespread virus-related restrictions and fewer people were hitting the road, according to AAA.
Of course, we should acknowledge that this is how basic economics is supposed to work. The Biden Administration drove the price of gasoline through the roof, and high prices are supposed to reduce demand.
One common story Americans have heard lately is that employers can’t find people to fill the jobs they have, so part of the mystery is how people have been surviving. Perhaps the strong jobs numbers are an indication that gas prices and inflation finally pushed people past the point at which they could maintain a tolerable lifestyle while not working. So, they’re finally taking jobs while also driving less.
A deeper dive into the numbers reinforces this interpretation. Total employment increased 398,000 from May to June and then 528,000 from June to July. Although I’m not sure how these different datapoints line up on a week-to-week basis, these numbers are in keeping with related data about job openings, hires, and separations (quits and fires). June’s 6,374,000 hires was the lowest of the year so far, but separations were also the lowest of the year, at 5,931,000. Notice that the gap between these two (i.e., the implied increase in employment) is 443,000.
A fuller, less-optimistic, picture emerges when we consider that the total number of job openings decreased by much more, falling from 11,303,000 in May to 10,698,000 in June, a drop of 605,000. That’s 162,000 job openings that employers apparently decided not to fill.
In the bizarre post-COVID welfare state wherein people were somehow deciding not to work, the job market had plenty of space to absorb workers without having to create any new jobs. Superficial economics reporters are touting the fact that the unemployment rate is now matched its level in September 2019, pre-COVID, but during that month, there were only 7,100,000 job openings.
I write “only,” but that appears to be on the high end of normal, going back to the year 2000, which brings us back to the point at which we started: This economy is abnormal.
Featured image by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash.
[Open full post]