You know whom our government serves by what it measures.

A widely applicable truism about organizations — whether businesses or public schools — that systems prioritize that which they measure.  The folly of this principle came to mind while reviewing the Division of Statewide Planning’s still-new Social Equity Data Platform.  What you see, there, is a map of Rhode Island with some shaded overlays of…

The RI State House in the middle of a plantation
The web of financial interests in the Democrat bureaucracy extends to activist judges.

Jody Baldwin Stone of Rhode Island asks a question of huge importance to the Constitutional wellbeing of the United States of America: RI Jurnos: Is it true that Judge McConnells daughter, Catherine McConnell, was appointed by Biden and is currently employed by The Department of Education? Did the judges order save his daughter’s job? 👀🤔This…

An elephant defendant is shocked in a donkey court
What is the distinction between a baby in the womb and out?

Charlie Kirk has an interesting business model.  He goes where young adults congregate (presumably college campuses), sets up a booth, and has debates with whoever approaches his microphone.  Then he posts the videos for clicks and (again, presumably) collects advertising revenue. In this video, he stumps a young woman on the issue of abortion.  Kirk’s…

A woman and a baby on a seesaw over a chasm
The rhetorical positioning is the important part of the birthright-citizenship debate.

One sees people take positions of similar structure to Ken Block’s, here, on many issues, from immigration to finance to healthcare to science: One of humanity’s great advantages is that we can divide the labor of understanding.  One person figures something out, and others can build on his or her conclusions without necessarily repeating all…

Gavel with a speech bubble
Education mandates are among the games we have to learn not to play.

This effort from Republican State Representative Mike Chippendale is worthwhile:

MikeWChip: This has been a problem for a long time...

Drawing attention to the mandates state and federal law impose on local school districts has the healthy effect of encouraging people to learn about education funding, generally, and rationalizing the budgets in this way should have broad electoral support.

BUT this entirely misses the fundamental point, as I understand it.  The people who run local schools generally want the same things as the higher governments imposing the mandates.  They especially like having a ready-made (while also vague) villain to blame for increasing spending and taxes.

In short, education mandates are part of the elaborate scam Rhode Island insiders run on us all.  Unless Rep. Chippendale and his fellow Republicans intend to pivot toward exposing the scheme, then their plan is not fully formed.

A reminder not to rely too heavily on a single platform.

Maybe it’s just me, but X doesn’t appear to be working on my computer or phone.  I was only looking for a moment of distraction, but the experience is a helpful reminder not to rely too heavily on a single platform for communication and information access.

Alzate is too dangerous to be a legislator.

Rhode Islanders should take legislation like this much more seriously than they do, because it exposes how little Democrat legislators respect our rights, understand the workings of those rights, and/or are willing to place our rights above their political ideology and interest groups:

State Rep. Karen Alzate isn’t waiting for federal immigration raids in Rhode Island to try to protect unauthorized immigrants living here.

In response to President Donald Trump’s call for mass deportations, Alzate has proposed legislation, H5225, that would create “protected spaces” in Rhode Island where immigration enforcement and border patrol agents couldn’t enter without a warrant signed by a judge.

The bill specifically states that “schools, places of worship, health facilities and public libraries shall not grant access to their premises, for any federal immigration authority to investigate, detain, apprehend, or arrest any individuals for potential violations of federal immigration laws,” absent a warrant.  That is, Alzate would be forbidding such organizations from cooperating with ICE even if they want to.  She is conscripting the properties of these organizations to further her political ideology.

Maybe she assumes all such groups share her extreme views and doesn’t intend to force anybody to do anything, but either way she’s made herself an example of a type of politician who should under no circumstances be trusted with elective office.

The hatred is coming from inside the house.

Something about this tweet from Bill Bartholomew is more striking than it should be:

BillBartholomew: Trump hates you.  The neo-tech oligarchs hate you.  You’ve been played using near-meaningless culture war nonsense.  As capitalism sunsets into feudalism, remember that this moment in history, if not pushed down the Memory Hole, will be a spectacular turning point.

I’m not sure whether it’s better or worse if Bartholomew actually believes what he says or is just playing a role.  The absolutely most negative interpretation that actually makes sense about the people Bartholomew dislikes is that they don’t care about you, which leads me to conclude he’s got a bad case of projection.  He’s the one who hates, and it’s so ingrained that he thinks other people must act from the same emotion.

Note, in particular the phrase “using near-meaningless culture war nonsense.”  I remember when Bartholomew was pretending to be a fair broker on his podcast and interviewed Matt Allen.  Matt flipped the interview table and asked him if there was anybody he wouldn’t have on his show.  We now know that list is long, but at the time, I think he said something about a person who is strongly anti-trans.

In other words, the “culture war” issues are definitely not meaningless nonsense to him.  He just thinks it’s illegitimate to hold opposing views, and anybody who dares to stop the progress of his radical march must be doing so out of irrational hatred.

Green energy political corruption

Politics This Week: The Business of Corruption

John DePetro and Justin Katz trace the evidence that corruption has become the business of government.

A bitter donkey scowls at the viewer while a comfortable elephant looks on

Politics This Week: The Bitter and the Comfortable

John DePetro and Justin Katz review the latest political news in RI.

A young family approaches a school with foreboding

Why a petition is needed to make RI state government acknowledge rights, law, and reality.

The state Department of Education’s “guidance” on transgender students exposes more than its radical beliefs.

A woman frees herself from a grasping swamp.

Politics This Week: The Truth Will Out

John DePetro and Justin Katz note ways in which the truth pokes through the statewide narrative.

A monster in a child costume.

Politics This Week: Not What Things Seem to Be

John DePetro and Justin Katz reveal the hidden realities of RI politics.

A bitter donkey scowls at the viewer while a comfortable elephant looks on

Politics This Week: The Bitter and the Comfortable

John DePetro and Justin Katz review the latest political news in RI.

A young family approaches a school with foreboding

Why a petition is needed to make RI state government acknowledge rights, law, and reality.

The state Department of Education’s “guidance” on transgender students exposes more than its radical beliefs.

A woman frees herself from a grasping swamp.

Politics This Week: The Truth Will Out

John DePetro and Justin Katz note ways in which the truth pokes through the statewide narrative.

A monster in a child costume.

Politics This Week: Not What Things Seem to Be

John DePetro and Justin Katz reveal the hidden realities of RI politics.

A bad magician conjures a KKK mannequin

Politics This Week: The Mainstream Illusion

John DePetro and Justin Katz pull some of the threads from the fraying mainstream narrative illusion.

Weird – Testimony at Washington Bridge Hearing Won’t be Under Oath

A joint Oversight hearing about the Washington Bridge will be held this Thursday at the State House.  [Agenda.] There will be no public testimony and only committee members will ask…

We have to take the reality of meddling billionaires into account.

Last night, I read a business case about a handful of billionaires who’ve been trying to make lab-grown meat a viable consumer product, and I wondered something tangential.  Imagine if a handful of billionaires decided they needed to have a pliable big-government progressive in the White House.

They might flood her accounts with hundreds of millions of dollars laundered through untraceable donations designed to appear grass roots.

They might use the major media outlets they own to twist reality.

They might pay people to fill up arenas so that the candidate appears to be popular.

Then they might manipulate an insecure election system, including mail ballots, to simply install their preferred candidate, while pointing at the scandals they generated in media about the other candidate and the astroturf popularity of the “winner.”

This might sound conspiratorial and crazy, but these same people are trying to grow frankenburgers — not because they think it will be profitable, but because they want to “save the environment” and trick you into a diet that they believe is healthier.

The point of government seems to be as a way to make politicians feel like celebrities.

It’s a passing thought, of course, but Rhode Island Governor Dan McKee’s mild lament that a State House celebration of a basketball trophy is happening during school hours bugs me.  Somehow, it emphasizes the point that our government officials see the well-being of children — of all regular Rhode Islanders, for that matter — as secondary side-effects of insiders’ going about their big, important business, which seems often to focus on providing them power and enjoyment.

A local kid making it big is an inspiring story, but local officials use such things to inspire mainly themselves.

Oh, Democrats have a plan for you, alright.

Something more like a cookbook or plantation.  I’ve heard complaints that conservatives have “no plan for you” — or “no vision for what the town should be” — repeatedly over the years, and I think it’s the most disturbing complaint progressives make.

Chris Rufo articulates my view:

realchrisrufo: Our nation was founded on liberty, meaning, that each man was free to pursue his own dream without the heavy hand of the state. Harris inverts this formula: she has a plan for you; the Left's version of liberation can only be achieved through the state.

Where do I see the town, state, or country going?  Well, I hope it’s going toward freedom and mutual good will, but that’s about as detailed as I can get.  Mostly, I’m excited to see where individual people, families, and organizations will take us with their drive and ingenuity, but terrified of where activists who abuse government power to implement their plans and vision will take us if we let them.

Kamala Harris’s notion of an unrealized gains tax is terrifying.

The reason it’s terrifying isn’t only that unrealized gains are purely hypothetical.  The proposal (and defenses of it) show that for many taxation has become purely a money-finding scheme requiring the scantiest of rationale.  By their nature, unrealized capital gains do not actually exist; they are hypothetical.

While striving to come up with some sort of argument that they’d be nothing radical, I’ve seen supporters make two arguments: First, that people pay taxes on the increased value of their homes through the property tax, and second, that people with large assets are able to use them as collateral for loans, which means they are real.

On the first count, the property tax isn’t a tax on gains.  It’s an ad valorem tax — that is, on the whole value — assessed and paid repeatedly every year.  Moreover, in most cases, it’s actually a tax on the percentage the individual or entity owns of all the taxable property within that particular government’s scope.  Typically, the government figures out how much tax it wants to collect, and the value of a piece of property is the proportion the taxpayer will pay.  Some years it will go up, relative to other taxpayers, and some years it will go down.

The same thing partially applies to the other count.  Lenders are considering the entirety of assets as collateral, not just new gains.  More importantly, what they’re doing is assessing that the entire asset is sufficiently secure that it could be sold to cover an unpaid debt, and the lender accepts the risk.  That the lender trusts that the value will be real at some hypothetical future date following a default does not mean that it is real right now.

Neronha’s being silly about electric vehicle charging ports.

With the caveat that we have to infer what he’s trying to suggest, I think we can conclude Attorney General Peter Neronha is implying Rhode Island isn’t keeping up on electric vehicle charging ports:

PeterNeronha: charging port graphic

Well, yeah.  Rhode Island is a small state, geographically, meaning people are never very far from home, and in any event, from what I’ve seen around the state, we’ve already got more charging ports than the population is demanding.

That’s the thing about government-originated “investments.”  In the private sector, somebody would see the need for something, as indicated in this case by lines for charging ports or something like that, and invest in a profitable solution.  In government, activists decree a standard, and politicians lament that they haven’t met the activists’ expensive standards.