Interest rates have become like rent control.

And they’re both artificial thresholds created by interventionist policies.  realEstateTrent makes a great point, here:   Progressive policies, which shift decision-making to the blunt tool of government, create these unhealthy thresholds everywhere.  People stay on the public dole because they’d have to earn so much money for a job to be worthwhile that no job…

A mechanic stares down a destroyed machine
Land use may be the dog that’s not barking in the housing debate.

Catching up on email, I came across this October article from the American Stewards of Liberty about a federal push for conservation areas: The Service is planning to acquire 250,000 acres of private land in the new federally designated area by offering “voluntary” conservation easements in perpetuity to landowners. Those who do not want to…

A man dreams of depopulation.
Rewriting history, especially to erase the stages of progress, is a dangerous practice.

The featured image of this post compares the original cover of Mountain Music by the band Alabama with the censored version now used for music streaming services.  I should specify that I’m not alleging the band and the companies that manage its music were forced to make the change by a government agency, but censorship it…

Comparison of the two covers of Mountain Music by Alabama
How should we compare Scott Avedisian’s severance package and Caitlin Clark’s basketball salary?

The short answer is that we shouldn’t, but Bill Bartholomew’s attempt is worth a double-take and some thought about what he’s missing: at nearly 68k, Scott Avedisian’s termination payment is almost as much as the contract that the most exciting player in college basketball, Caitlin Clark, signed after being selected first overall in the WNBA draft…

A man in a suit shoots a basketball at a city bus
Increased productivity is a communal good.

Somehow, despite ample reason for civic disappointment, I find I’m becoming less cynical as I get older, not more.  Even now, when I come across reasoning like that expressed by young progressive Democrat Representative David Morales, I can’t help but feel hope that we can salvage reason from the flames of ideology: Here’s the reality:…

Artwork of a worker transforming into a boss
Days of Reckoning for the Salt of RI’s Earth

The point can’t be stressed enough that Rhode Islanders should understand the Washington Bridge debacle as a representative lesson on our state government.  For that reason, not the least, Mark Patinkin’s conversations with local affected business owners is an article to print and review periodically in the future.  Restauranteurs and venue owners bought and built…

A prison warden hides his keys behind his back during a fire
The Maher life can’t be representative of human needs.

Arguably, Eric Abbenante— overstates the degree of “debate” in this clip featuring Dr. Phil and Bill Maher, but the difference in point of view he highlights is the crucial one.  Here’s Abbenante: Bill Maher and Dr Phil debate the importance of family and religion: “You think family and faith are a big fix to the…

A yacht sails toward an almost entirely submerged city.
Freeing teachers means freeing them from an inapt industrial employment model.

Brandon Busteed’s argument in Forbes well taken: U.S. teachers are dead last among all occupational groups and professions in feeling their opinions count at work, that their supervisor creates an open and trusting environment and that they are treated with respect each day. Teachers are also the highest of all professions in experiencing burn-out and…

A teacher at the blackboard in a cage
Student loans are another crisis for the benefit of government.

Whatever one’s political leanings, the incentives of government must be understood as simply reality.  Government agencies don’t have to create a product or service that people will voluntarily purchase.  Rather, they must find activities for which they can justify forcing people who are not the direct beneficiaries to pay.  This model is justified, in some…

A farmer in a suit admires his corn with graduation caps
The details are the important part in the “housing crisis.”

By its nature, advocacy journalism glosses over the details that many would consider crucial.  Headlines from a pair of such articles by Katie Mulvaney in the Providence Journal illustrate the point: Six months pregnant with nowhere to go – an unhoused woman’s plight on RI’s streets After months of sleeping on the street, pregnant woman finally…

A homeless mother pushes a baby carriage in Providence, RI
Journalists should be conspicuously fair, even with groups nobody likes.

In the last couple decades, Americans (at least those who occupy seats in academia and mainstream media) appear to have lost their ability to distinguish between upholding a principle and supporting any given people who might benefit from that principle from time to time.  Nobody likes to defend groups that are broadly deplored, like Nazis…

Street artist draws passing white people as MAGA
What is it about social media lately? (A hope for controlling the crisis.)

Almost in passing during a recent podcast featuring Greg McKeown, Tim Ferriss stepped into an idea I’ve been contemplating lately: [A]s my job, I interview some of the top performers in the world, hundreds of them, and the change that I have seen for those people in that subset who are already, I think most…

People stare at their cell phones while disasters happen around them
We react to increases in housing prices in exactly the wrong way.

Lance Lambert, who appears to be a reporter on the housing beat, shared a table of increases in housing prices in the 50 largest metro areas.  As the following snip from the table shows, Providence experienced the third-largest increase over the past year: Various contextual points are important to remember.  Metros can vary in size,…

Suburban house with a slot machine on the side
We’re crossing the line from inadequate education to malevolent indoctrination.

For those willing to step outside the boundaries of “just the way we do things,” the justification for mandatory schooling backstopped by taxpayer-funded government schools is an interesting question.  I’d pick up the rope and pull for the “yes, justified” side.  A country founded on freedom and individual achievement and held together by abstract agreement…

A teacher Xes out George Washington on the blackboard
These are the choices will-to-power policies will drive us toward.

“Had the girl not broken the law by purchasing and using pepper spray, she likely would have been raped — or worse.” Sure, the story Stephen Green is sharing comes from Denmark, and sure, one big advantage we have in the United States is the Second Amendment.  But policies change and, increasingly, our rights can go unprotected.

Overbearing government will come down hardest on those it can control, and we can’t afford to let it come to the point that we have to decide between protecting ourselves (increasingly often from people the government has let into the country or let out of prison with unreasonable leniency) and following the law.

I’ve wondered how Americans are getting by in this economy.

This may be part of the answer, and certainly corresponds with my experience:

GameofTrades_: CAUTION: Households have officially run out of excess savings

A reminder for Republicans about immigrants.

They can be won, as James Brooke suggests in the The Sun:

In the latest sign of a rightward swing of the pendulum in Latin America, voters in Ecuador opted overwhelmingly for tough anti-crime measures, including joint army and police patrols against cocaine gangs.

Ecuador is only one example.

This reminder does not mean the border does not need to be brought to order or that the Democrats’ illegal immigration flood should be absorbed in entirety.  It also does not mean Republicans should try to win immigrants’ support the same way Democrats do:  by pandering to them and trying to win their votes.

Rather, Republicans should put in the effort to craft a genuine and coherent set of policies with positions many immigrants will find attractive.  Furthermore, they should not dehumanize immigrants, as Democrats do when they instrumentalize and infantilize them.  Rather, even when policies involve options for deportation, the humanity of people seeking a better life should never be forgotten.

Too often we lose the debate to progressives when we accept their emotionalist intellectual shortcut.  The fact that somebody is deserving of compassion does not mean the appropriate actions of others is obvious.  The success of the West is premised on trying to bring people into the fold and to offer them a path toward mutually beneficial relationships.  Keep that always in mind.

You can tell how journalists see their role by the stories they cover.

This has become a focus of the Providence Journal’s city reporter:

amymrusso: Meanwhile over at Providence College, E. Corry Kole gave their first public remarks on their discrimination charge against the school, filed with the RI Commission for Human Rights.

What stories is Russo not covering because she’s spending so much time on this one?  Why is a personnel matter at a private organization newsworthy?

As for the content, it finally provides some explanation for a mythical cliché.  I’ve never understood the rule that you had to invite a vampire into your house.  The rule applies well to DEI “professionals.”  Once you let them in, they’ve got you.  That is the critical decision point.

I’ve lived under a wide variety of partisan combinations in government at the state and federal levels.

With that perspective, I’d suggest that America works better when voters put the adults in charge but then laugh at them through media and entertainment.  Once, adults could be of either party, but they became increasingly of the Republican variety.  Unfortunately, voters’ frustration with the inability to return to adult policies is loosening that rule, too.

That said, what we need above all is a division between government and social and cultural institutions.  That means electing problematic Republicans so the media can come closer to fulfilling a healthy role, rather than acting as propaganda organs for problematic Democrats.

Western tradition already has the answer to the attempts to undermine it.

That’s why, although I agree with Jordan, here, I think he’s a step away from the key point:

jordanbpeterson: Think about it this way: How can society continue successfully when success itself (which always characterizes a relative minority) is equated with theft and oppression?

We must reframe. A libertarian lean is correct, but valorizing success won’t work. The impulse to identify with the oppressed has to be changed to wanting to help people, to make THEM successful. It’s the principle at the intersection of Christianity and free markets.

Why are the key questions of politics so easy to ignore?

This exchange between CNN’s Kaitlan Collins and former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr has made the rounds and received its share of commentary:

kaitlancollins: Bill Barr responds to Donald Trump mocking him after he said he would vote for him in 2024. And it's something.

To my mind, the most telling part is when Collins looks for a comparison among conservatives to progressive bureaucratic government impositions and points to a local library debate. What Barr should have asked is: “Do you think you’ll have a better chance changing policies you don’t like in your hometown or in Washington, D.C.?”

The notion that different activities are appropriate at different levels of government is too often glossed over, and it’s central to our civic system.  Arguably among the biggest contributors to growing division is the sense that progress means political questions are answered at higher and higher levels.  In that view, it’s great if your local library board promotes your beliefs, but it’s even better if the federal government does, because it affects more people.  That isn’t the pluralistic ideal of self-governance on which our country was founded.

Democrats are moving deeper into the dark side of triangulation.

The concept of triangulation used to mean politicians looked at the political landscape and positioned themselves on the field to advance their policy goals.  The worsening development, facilitated by mass media and social media, is the attempt to manipulate the landscape.  That’s where we start to think of the Overton Window, shifting the range of positions people think are acceptable, and it’s what we see here:

JonahDispatch: I agree Barr’s argument is bad. But you know what? If Democrats really believe Trump poses an existential threat to democracy (I think he poses a major threat, but not an existential one), maybe they should stop doing the nanny-state crap that repels gettable voters.

I think Jonah misunderstands (or pretends to misunderstand) what’s going on, here.  Democrats (among whom I count the mainstream media) promoted Trump and are doing everything they can to paint him as a monster because the worse they make him out to be the worse they can be.  That’s why Barr is right that, in a binary decision, Trump is preferable, and not seeing it may be why Jonah has taken his wise reservations about Trump so far as to be an error.

Government-funded journalism is a bad idea.

One suspects mainstream journalists don’t see this as a problem because they can’t imagine reporting any differently just because the governments they support are directly paying them money:

grantbosse: Remarkably bad idea. Government-funded journalism is propaganda.

And realistically, we’re finding in Rhode Island that government PR is such a lucrative next step for journalists that it’s more a question of whether they work for government sooner or later in their careers.

Progressive policies only seek to manage increasing hostilities and problems.

The headline of a Alexa Gagosz’s recent Boston Globe article asks, “Will tenants unions make a difference in Rhode Island’s housing crisis?”  The answer, we can be confident, is “yes,” although it will make a difference by making it worse.

The state’s problem is insufficient housing, and the only durable, healthy way to give tenants, workers, or any group of people, more power is to give them more options.  Using progressive-style union activism power creates disincentive for people to work together, and working together includes one person creating an apartment for another to rent.

A street protest against a big landlord will make people considering becoming landlords rethink.  When the easy compromises are exhausted and landlords simply refuse demand, politicians will take it as an excuse to tighten the legal noose.  That will lead to even less housing.

As with most policies, what’s needed is to think of both sides as human beings, to think of the incentives that govern their cooperative interactions, and to get constraints out of the way, not build up more hurdles and obstacles invented by politicians.  They serve special interests (note that one of the elected representatives in the story is actually a union organizer) and have no expertise.

The people leaving Massachusetts are no surprise.

Here’s the Boston Globe’s description of the people leaving Massachusetts:

Boston Indicators, the research arm of the Boston Foundation, published an analysis exploring trends in so-called domestic outmigration in Massachusetts, or people leaving for elsewhere in the United States. Looking at a two-year average across 2021 and 2022, the analysis found that the people moving out of Massachusetts were predominantly white, middle- and high-income earners, and college-educated.

Particularly dire: Working-age adults are leaving in droves. On net, Massachusetts lost an average of 22,631 people ages 25 to 44 across 2021 and 2022 — the largest number of any age group and a marked increase over previous years, according to the report. For perspective, that’s about the size of the population of Winchester.

It’s been about 20 years since I started warning Rhode Island that our data told a similar story, and I coined the term “productive class.”  Rhode Island and now Massachusetts are driving out precisely those people who move an area forward:  those who are primed to transform their time and talents into productive activity.

Lose these folks and, as we’re seeing in precipitous experience in the Ocean State, you get the government plantations, which involves special interests using government to make government the areas core occupation by finding clients for government services and looking for excuses to bill other people.  That model won’t last long, probably not even to the point that the mid-career special interests are ready to cash out and move to Florida.

Keep tabs on who gets ousted in Rhode Island government

Whatever one thinks of Avedisian, seeing Alviti in this picture is a reminder that state government incompetence can harm the lives of hundreds of thousands, but it’s the guy who leaves the scene of a fender bender who’s shown the door.

PatricAnderso_: The 
 Board has accepted Scott Avedisian’s resignation.

Not long ago, objecting to the Trump cases would have been uncontroversial.

As he’s done for a long time, Mark Steyn zeros in on the truth with panache:

There are times, however, when it is necessary not to conceal it. This week’s Trump Trial of the Week is the bazillionth attempt by the ruling party to nail the leader of the opposition on …something, anything, whatever’s to hand. So naturally a certain artfulness is required. In this case, if one accepts as true the charges of corrupt prosecutor Alvin Bragg, Trump paid former crony Michael Cohen to pay off Stormy Daniels. Which would be a falsification of business records. Which is, under the “laws” of New York, a misdemeanour – albeit one in which the statute of supposed limitations has already kicked in. So Bragg is arguing that the expired misdemeanour is actually a non-expired felony, because it was used to cover up another crime.

What other crime he has not said. And, as is now familiar in the State of New York, the corrupt judge Juan Manuel Merchan has been happy to indulge him.

… why all the Trump cases wind up in the hands of this particular Biden donor is a mystery to me.

Well, actually it isn’t: much of “American justice” is stinkingly corrupt. QED.

One wonders if the enormity of the corruption has become its own incentive for Democrats to turn a blind eye.  Once down the road of acknowledging it, what else might be overturned?

The more bucks, the less education.

As shocking videos emerge of progressive fascism showing its antisemitic face, Nick Freitas’s on-point observation here comes to mind:

NickJFreitas: I want you to imagine universities sitting on billion-dollar+ endowments lobbying for taxpayer-backed student loans in order to get more people into their schools.

Americans have been had in a major way (this issue not the least), and I’m not sure there’s any way to turn things around.

Is progressive education policy the result of ignorance or cynical malice?

One has to wonder such things after seeing posts like this, from Rhode Island Democrat State Senator Tiara Mack:

MackDistrict6: This week we heard my Vote 16 bill 🗳️This bill would allow 16 and 17 year olds to vote in school board elections. Teenagers lack the maturity and experience to know what it is they need to learn or how it should be taught.  Raising doubt about adults capacity in this regard would be a fair response, but for this purpose we draw the line at 18.  If anything, given the lengthening of adolescence in modern America, we should be considering a move in the other direction — opening elections only when people are a bit older.

In any event, giving teens a means to vote themselves other people’s money would be more of a disaster than Rhode Island already faces.

While we’re on the matter, contrast Mack’s suggestion with progressives’ antipathy to school choice.  One suspects she wants kids voting in government school elections because they’ll be easier for radicals and union organizers to manipulate.

California’s decline could mirror Rhode Island’s ascent.

Unfortunately, Rhode Islanders don’t want it.  The Ocean State could be a beacon collecting some of tech jobs California is losing, as Joey Politano shows here:

JosephPolitano: The share of all US tech-industry jobs that are located in California has now fallen to some of the lowest levels in a decade, dropping a full percentage point over the last year alone

Rhode Island is so in the grip of its special interests and ideologues that they’d rather imitate California than create opportunity.

A Navy commander with a backwards scope seems like a good warning about the dangers of DEI.

As I suggested in a post this morning, it’s an error to think we can impose requirements on the status quo and not risk any loss of what we have.  “Diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) principles are the archetype of this thinking.  Admittedly, I don’t know whether a U.S. Navy officer who didn’t notice that the scope on his AR was backwards, among other errors, in a photo-op — not to mention the assistants who prepared it and the media professionals who developed and promoted the post — was a victim of DEI, but it’s a good warning sign, nonetheless.

The more we prioritize things that are irrelevant (at best, nice to have) to jobs, the more likely it is that the people who take them will lack some other experience.  We don’t live in a world in which there are just so many identically good candidates for every role that new requirements will have no effect.  Pretending otherwise is going to get a lot of people killed.

Believing the status quo is a baseline from which to progress is common, but wrong.

This flaw of inexperience among the young (and progressives) has become far too pervasive in our society and is particularly notable in Rhode Island.  People seem to think that the current state of affairs has been established and will continue indefinitely, so we can shape it like clay to the future we want to see.  Investors will continue to build businesses… producers will continue to produce… minority parties will continue to fight the good fight to keep representative democracy honest.  And so on.  That’s not how reality works, though.

The above was my reaction to this tweet from left-wing Democrat state representative David Morales:

DavidMoralesRI: Let’s be clear, the next CEO of RIPTA must be a transit professional with the lived experience of using public transportation daily!

It might be nice to hire a chief executive with intimate and specific experience with the product, but past experience as a customer is not typically an overwhelming advantage and certainly not one that can’t be compensated once in the role (not least because customer experiences differ).  Morales’s underlying assumption is that there is a pool of indistinguishably high-quality candidates for the role, so adding a mandate won’t have any negative effects.

The more likely outcome, from which Rhode Island increasingly suffers, is that the pool of candidates will be so uniformly unqualified that additional requirements won’t make things notably worse.  The first step to fixing this problem is a more mature understanding of how reality actually functions.

Does Stephen King understand how representative democracy works.

On the list of people for whom the exposure of social media has been a source of disappointing exposure, novelist Stephen King has got to be near the top. Like his books or not (and, honestly, given the content, I regret the influence that he had on my younger life), authors are generally placed in the “intellectual” category, and one would expect more insight than tweets like this:

StephenKing: The 1864 Arizona law forbidding most abortions, upheld by the State Supreme Court, also sets the age of consent for females at 10 Years.

I’m on the pro-life side of this issue, but I also wish we could have honest discussions about public policy.  The anachronism of this state law isn’t evidence that the federal government has to set policy for every state in the country, which was essentially the state of affairs while the horrible Roe v. Wade ruling was in effect.  Rather, it should be a reminder that we have an entire system built around the principle that people can change the laws under which they’re governed over time.

It’s telling that advocates for the permissibility of killing of children are so much more focused on deriving political benefit from old laws than changing them where they can be changed.  Apparently, what they really want is a world in which a rich old writer from Maine can tell the people of Arizona what sort of laws they live under.

Corporate tax credits are more progressive than some progressives realize.

The Rhode Island Office of Revenue Analysis releases regular reports summarizing the state’s tax credit programs, and sometimes progressive politicians and journalists get a news story out of them.  What’s disappointing is the paucity of the opposing voices.  According to Katherine Gregg’s Providence Journal article the Rhode Island Business Coalition is fine with ending the program for any new participants.

For their part, the authors of the report acknowledge that the businesses that use the program tend to be among the largest, so without programs designed to make them stay, like tax credit programs, the state’s economy could suffer.

There we see the underlying problem that nobody wants to address.  Rhode Island’s economic policy is terrible.  We’ve taken a beautiful state in a great location and made it so difficult and risky to operate in that we have to lure businesses here.  Progressives with a coherent philosophy should realize this is their ideal policy.  They get to pick and choose who gets relief from what imposition and to maintain a lever for bribery and ideological pressure.

I’m all for ending tax credit programs, but we should lower taxes and regulations generally.  If we make Rhode Island a beacon for economic activity, businesses will pay their full taxes to be here.

If the promise of Woke could be distilled into a facial expression…

I don’t want to read too much into a few seconds of video, but something is chilling about progressive Democrat Representative Brandon Potter’s face as Meara began to speak in favor of Republican Representative Patricia Morgan’s bill to prevent transgender-related mutilation of children:

MillennialOther: Huge shoutout to 
 for sponsoring this very common sense bill.

His facial expression is not just of hatred.  It’s cold, as if promising that one day he hopes not to have to sit there and be polite while people speak blasphemies.

A weatherman reports a sunny day while it storms outside

Politics This Week: The Era of Messaging

John DePetro and Justin Katz highlight some of the ways the local media and political establishment distort the public message.

Driving a Stake into the Heart of the Mainstream Media

Peggy Noonan has nailed an issue, again, as only she can do. Here are some excerpts from her latest editorial, in which she discusses Rathergate and the busting of the mainstream media monopoly in America: The Rathergate Report is a watershed event in American journalism not because it changes things on its own but because…

Can Ohio’s BestRX Drug Plan be Projected Nationally?

I was intrigued by an Op-Ed in today’s Providence Journal by Teresa Heinz (she dropped the Kerry!) and Jeffrey R. Lewis (“Extend Ohio drug plan across U.S“) that trumpeted the “success” of Ohio’s just-implemented BestRX plan. With a critical eye, one derived from a predisposition to mistrust our almost-First Lady, I searched for corroborating evidence…

Wake Up, Speaker Murphy!

This posting builds on a string of other postings by all of us here at Anchor Rising. Ed Achorn of the Providence Journal is back with yet another editorial about how Rhode Island House Speaker William Murphy appears committed to thwarting the will of the people, as expressed in our approval on November 2 of…

The Politics of Charter Schools: Addendum

Confirming my thoughts from an earlier post, Jennifer Marshall and Kirk Johnson have put up a piece over at National Review Online that explains how to interpret the often conflicting Charter School data that has recently been released. In my original post, I compared the data and found that the research (PDF) of Caroline Hoxby,…

A woman in a business jacket walks on stage

Politics This Week: A New Stage for the Self-Promoter

John DePetro and Justin Katz check in on politicians’ emphasis on promotions.

Girls jump class in a 1960s gym class

Title IX Becoming a Victim of Its Own Success

Title IX has given generations of American girls and young women athletic opportunities on an equal footing, but that success has made it vulnerable to the latest social revolution.

Bike riders storm the RI State House

Politics This Week: Political Unspeakables

John DePetro and Justin Katz highlight some unspeakable stories in RI.

The Independent Man drives away from the State House

Politics This Week: Arrested Hope

John DePetro and Justin Katz review some of the distractions and calamities in Rhode Island government.

Leader of an angry mob accuses his reflection.

Reflecting on Rhode Island’s Robbers

Representative Michael Chippendale directs Rhode Islanders’ attention to the party responsible for the Ocean State’s condition.

A healthcare panel gives thumbs down.

Politics This Week: Under Their Thumb

John DePetro and Justin Katz warn of growing government control and corruption.

These are the choices will-to-power policies will drive us toward.

“Had the girl not broken the law by purchasing and using pepper spray, she likely would have been raped — or worse.” Sure, the story Stephen Green is sharing comes from Denmark, and sure, one big advantage we have in the United States is the Second Amendment.  But policies change and, increasingly, our rights can go unprotected.

Overbearing government will come down hardest on those it can control, and we can’t afford to let it come to the point that we have to decide between protecting ourselves (increasingly often from people the government has let into the country or let out of prison with unreasonable leniency) and following the law.

I’ve wondered how Americans are getting by in this economy.

This may be part of the answer, and certainly corresponds with my experience:

GameofTrades_: CAUTION: Households have officially run out of excess savings

A reminder for Republicans about immigrants.

They can be won, as James Brooke suggests in the The Sun:

In the latest sign of a rightward swing of the pendulum in Latin America, voters in Ecuador opted overwhelmingly for tough anti-crime measures, including joint army and police patrols against cocaine gangs.

Ecuador is only one example.

This reminder does not mean the border does not need to be brought to order or that the Democrats’ illegal immigration flood should be absorbed in entirety.  It also does not mean Republicans should try to win immigrants’ support the same way Democrats do:  by pandering to them and trying to win their votes.

Rather, Republicans should put in the effort to craft a genuine and coherent set of policies with positions many immigrants will find attractive.  Furthermore, they should not dehumanize immigrants, as Democrats do when they instrumentalize and infantilize them.  Rather, even when policies involve options for deportation, the humanity of people seeking a better life should never be forgotten.

Too often we lose the debate to progressives when we accept their emotionalist intellectual shortcut.  The fact that somebody is deserving of compassion does not mean the appropriate actions of others is obvious.  The success of the West is premised on trying to bring people into the fold and to offer them a path toward mutually beneficial relationships.  Keep that always in mind.

You can tell how journalists see their role by the stories they cover.

This has become a focus of the Providence Journal’s city reporter:

amymrusso: Meanwhile over at Providence College, E. Corry Kole gave their first public remarks on their discrimination charge against the school, filed with the RI Commission for Human Rights.

What stories is Russo not covering because she’s spending so much time on this one?  Why is a personnel matter at a private organization newsworthy?

As for the content, it finally provides some explanation for a mythical cliché.  I’ve never understood the rule that you had to invite a vampire into your house.  The rule applies well to DEI “professionals.”  Once you let them in, they’ve got you.  That is the critical decision point.

I’ve lived under a wide variety of partisan combinations in government at the state and federal levels.

With that perspective, I’d suggest that America works better when voters put the adults in charge but then laugh at them through media and entertainment.  Once, adults could be of either party, but they became increasingly of the Republican variety.  Unfortunately, voters’ frustration with the inability to return to adult policies is loosening that rule, too.

That said, what we need above all is a division between government and social and cultural institutions.  That means electing problematic Republicans so the media can come closer to fulfilling a healthy role, rather than acting as propaganda organs for problematic Democrats.